Ask your Travel Advisor

We believe that a healthy romantic relationship requires mutual effort from both partners. Two On An Island does fun and exciting romance travel quests. To learn more about the next quest, contact your Travel Advisor, ask about TOAI


Check out our first TOAI episode!

How to make a Podcast

Invite your mate to a TOAI romance travel quest. Observe what brings your partner delight and give more of that. Create your story script and hire us to produce your Podcast.

Writers’ Room

The writers' room is the core of any podcast production. It is the place where creativity sparks, and the story is born. It's where you get to break down the script into detailed outlines and work together to write drafts for the next series of TOAI podcasts.

Find equilibrium by balancing hard work with sublime love life.
— Marcus


Lover, and Lovee.

Marriages need support. Divorce has an army of well-heeled lawyers on its side. It is clear to see. Marriage needs an army of its own to win the battle for Love.
— Marcus


At Two On An Island we think about collaboration in a completely revolutionary way. We invest time in products and services built to enhance people's lives.

The big hairy audacious goal we’re working on is Love.
— Marcus

Be the light in the world.